
Steam Golden Pompano
(2 Servings)

• Smart Choice 金鯧魚 1條 (400克/600克)
• 鹽少許
• 胡椒粉少許
• 薑切絲2湯匙
• 青蔥4條切絲
• 滾油2湯匙,汁料用
• 淡生抽適量,汁料用
• 1 whole Smart Choice Golden Pompano (400g/600g)
• A pinch of salt
• A pinch of pepper
• 2 tablespoons ginger, shredded
• 4 spring onion, shredded
• 2 tablespoons hot oil, for dressing
• A dash light soy sauce, for dressing
1. 將金錩魚解凍,清洗乾淨抹乾水;
2. 把鹽及胡椒粉塗抹在魚的兩邊及魚內,把整條魚放在一大碟中,薑絲及一半青蔥絲放在魚上;
3. 鑊中煲滾熱水,放入魚大火隔水蒸約15-20分鐘(視乎魚大小),或至魚熟;
4. 倒去碟內的蒸魚水,放上餘下的青蔥絲,淋上滾油,加入適量淡生抽,趁熱享用。
1. Defrost the fish from frozen, wash, drain and dried with towel.
2. Place the fish on a big plate. Season with salt and pepper on the both sides and inside, topped with shredded ginger and half of the shredded spring onion.
3. Heat water in a wok/steamer until you see steam releasing. Place the fish in wok and steam fish over high heat for about 15-20 minutes (depends on the size of the fish), or until cooked through.
4. Discard the fish sauce in the plate, sprinkle the rest of spring onion on top, pour the hot oil over the fish and the spring onion. Drizzle with soy sauce, serve in hot.