
Korean Pan-Fried Baby Yellow Croaker
(2 Servings)

• Smart Choice東海小黃花魚340克
• 燒酒或米酒3湯匙
• 蒜蓉2湯匙
• 鹽1/2 茶匙
• 黑胡椒粉1/4茶匙
• 麵粉4湯匙
• 糯米粉1/2湯匙
• 粟粉1湯匙
• 油適量炸魚用
• 340g Smart Choice Baby Yellow Croaker
• 3 tablespoons soju or rice wine
• 2 tablespoons crushed garlic
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
• 4 tablespoons flour
• 1/2 tablespoon glutinous rice powder
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch
• Cooking oil for frying
1. 將小黃花魚解凍,清洗乾淨抹乾水;
2. 混合燒酒/米酒、蒜蓉、鹽及黑胡椒粉,倒入黃花魚內撈勻,醃大約15分鐘;
3. 在一大碗內混合麵粉、糯米粉及粟粉;
4. 將每條魚兩面均勻地沾上混合粉;
5. 在鑊內放入至少1/8寸油,燒熱;
6. 中大火將魚兩面煎至金黃色(每邊煎約3分鐘),如有需可額外加油;
7. 將魚從鑊內取出放吸油紙上,趁熱享用。
1. Defrost the yellow croaker from frozen, wash, drain and dried with towel.
2. Combine soju/rice wine, garlic, salt, and pepper, then sprinkle the mixture onto the yellow croakers. Marinate for about 15 minutes.
3. Mix flour, rice powder, and cornstarch together in a large bowl.
4. Dip fish into the flour mixture, coating both sides evenly.
5. In a pan, add at least 1/8-inch of cooking oil and heat.
6. Pan-fry fish over medium-high heat until both sides are nicely browned (round 3 minutes per side). Add extra oil if necessary.
7. Remove from pan immediately and drain on paper towel. Serve it hot.