Miso Glazed Black Cod
(4 Servings)
• Smart Choice黑鱈魚扒4小片
• 黃味噌或白味噌60ml
• 味醂60ml
• 日式料理酒40ml
• 淡色黑糖40ml (可用白砂糖代替)
• 4 small pieces Smart Choice Black Cod Fillet
• 60ml yellow or white miso paste
• 60ml mirin
• 40ml sake
• 40ml light brown sugar (can be replaced by white sugar)
1. 將黑鱈魚扒解凍,清洗乾淨抹乾水;
2. 準備味噌醃醬:把味噌、味醂、日式料理酒及糖放入小鍋中,小火稍微加熱,攪拌至糖 完全溶化,盛起放涼備用;
3. 把一半的味噌醃醬倒入容器內,放入黑鱈魚扒,倒入餘下的味噌醃醬,確保每塊魚都充份醃漬到;用保鮮紙包好放進冰箱醃漬最少一小時(或一晚更佳)使黑鱈魚扒充份入味;
4. 預備烤盤並墊上鋁箔紙;
5. 取出醃漬好的黑鱈魚扒,用工具輕輕刮除魚上多餘的醃醬,放於烤盤中(魚皮朝下、魚肉朝上),放入烤箱上層;
6. 烤箱只開上火250 °C,或用Broil功能,烘烤10-13分鐘,直至黑鱈魚轉金黃色即成。
1. Defrost the Black Cod Fillet, wash, drain and dried with towel.
2. Prepare the miso marinade: mix the miso paste, mirin, sake and sugar in a small pot, cook over small heat until the sugar is melted, set aside to be cooled down.
3. Place half of the miso marinade onto a container, gently place the black cod fillet and cover the fish with the rest of the marinade, make sure it covers every side of the fish; wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least one hour (or overnight for better taste).
4. Place a foil paper onto a baking pan.
5. Carefully scrape off the extra marinade from the fish, place the fish skin side down on the baking pan, put it on the upper rack of the oven.
6. Bake the fish under 250 °C on upper heat only, or broil for 10-13 minutes, until the black cods turn to golden brown color and serve.