Honey Garlic White Shrimp
(4 Servings)

• Smart Choice太平洋白蝦仁300克
• 菜籽油2 湯匙
• 蒜肉3 瓣切片
• 蜜糖1/4 杯
• 醬油2 湯匙
• 芝麻酌量(裝飾用)
• 蕃茜酌量(裝飾用)
• 300g Smart Choice Pacific White Shrimp
• 2 tablespoons canola oil
• 3 cloves garlic sliced
• 1/4 cup honey
• 2 tablespoons lite soy sauce
• Sesame seeds optional
• Parsley optional
1. 將太平洋白蝦仁解凍,去乾水及用毛巾抹乾;
2. 在鑊內加入菜籽油,中高火燒熱;
3. 加入白蝦仁每邊煎 1-2 分鐘;
4. 盛起蝦仁待用。鑊中加入蒜片炒約30 秒;
5. 加入蜜糖及醬油拌炒;
6. 煮約 1 分至醬汁變濃稠,放回蝦仁兜炒均勻上碟;
7. 隨喜好加入芝麻及蕃茜裝飾。
1. Defrost the Pacific White Shrimp, drain and dried with towel.
2. Add the canola oil to a cast iron skillet or wok on medium high heat.
3. Add in the shrimp and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side.
4. Remove the shrimp, add in the garlic, cook for 30 seconds.
5. Add in the honey and soy sauce, and whisk together.
6. Cook for 1 minute until the sauce reduced and add back the shrimp to coat before serving.
7. Garnish with parsley and sesame seeds if desired.